Continuous support to help women through the process of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood.

Nowadays, being a doula refers to women who provide physical, informational, emotional and emotional support to other women during the pregnancy, labour and postpartum process.

As childbirth is an event full of life meaning, and understanding its natural and multi-dimensional process, we know that this is a vitally important moment for women. The doula is responsible for assisting in this process during the evolution of labour, birth and postpartum recovery, providing support, encouragement, security, confidence and affection. Through continuous support, knowledge of the physiology of labour and information resources based on scientific evidence, the doula's work is based on connection and empathy.

In the past, birth was an event that involved the community. There were experienced women present and naturally a warm feminine energy. As childbirth moved into the medical sphere and our families became smaller, this contact was lost. Within hospitals and maternity wards, care passed into the hands of a specialised team, each with their own defined role. But who looks after the specific needs of the woman giving birth? Who knows her? This role can and should be filled by the doula. The impersonal environment of hospitals at such an intimate moment tends to increase tension, fear, loneliness, pain, insecurity, misinformation and anxiety - undesirable maternal feelings when giving birth. Therefore, the presence of a doula and her support lead to benefits such as: a reduction in labour time, an increase in spontaneous vaginal births, a reduction in the need for anaesthesia, a reduction in the number of caesarean sections, a reduction in the number of women with negative feelings about childbirth, among others.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) currently recognises the importance of the doula's contribution as a presence that provides greater peace of mind for pregnant women, ensuring that the birth process evolves more smoothly, with less pain and complications. The doula's participation in labour is also considered to facilitate bonding between mother and baby in the first few hours after birth.

What does a doula do?

Before giving birth guides the couple through what to expect in labour and the postpartum period. It explains common procedures, explains the physiology of childbirth, provides information on the benefits of natural childbirth, women's rights and answers questions in general. She helps women prepare physically and emotionally for labour in a variety of ways. A bond is established between doula and pregnant woman, so that through this connection the woman feels safe to dive deeply into her body.

During labour takes care of the woman's individuality and space. She is a bridge between the medical team and the couple, facilitating communication and increasing the chances of a more satisfactory birth that is closer to the woman's wishes. She helps the parturient woman find comfortable positions during labour and birth, shows her efficient ways of breathing and proposes natural measures to relieve pain and relax, as well as being a friendly presence who gives her security, confidence and peace of mind. She preserves your uniqueness and vulnerability, taking care of the environment and your privacy. The doula acts in favour of the woman.

After giving birth visits the new family to offer support during the postpartum period, facilitating the bonding process with the new being. They advise on the recovery of the woman's body, breastfeeding, organising the environment, clarifying doubts, listening and being part of the community around the mother at this unique time of special care. She helps with the process of integrating childbirth and adapting the woman to the new dimension her life has taken on.

The doula and the parent or carer

The doula is not a substitute for the father, or the companion chosen by the woman, because their presence is unique. The carer often doesn't know what's going on or how to behave at that moment and may feel worried about getting in the way of their partner. The doula will help you to be present, informed, comfort the woman and provide all the necessary support.

What doesn't a doula do?

The doula does not perform medical procedures, carry out tests or look after the health of the newborn. They do not replace any of the professionals involved in childbirth care, discuss procedures with the team or question decisions.

A humanised, respected and informed birth is a human right.

Because women serve women.
Because every woman is a universe.
Because women like to share states of grace.
Because I want to support, welcome, give and receive.
Because I'm a woman.

I believe that childbirth is an event full of meaning in life, in the body, in women, in the change of humanity and in creation.

To give life is to be connected with Life. Understanding its natural, physiological and multidimensional process, I feel that is a moment of extreme power in the physical, mental, affective, sexual and spiritual fields of being - and therefore full of wisdom.
I deeply admire all of women's inner processes, and being a doula gives me the ability to better accompany and support other women and so
to help them trust themselves, their instinct, their strength and their innate ability to generate and create a new being.
Continuous support that helps the woman to be attentive to herself, integrating all the moments with love, makes the doula an important element in the fluidity of all the processes. 

For humanised and loving births, in connection with the nature that we are.

As a doula:

Individual preparation for childbirth (face-to-face and online)
Support during hospital or home births
Postpartum counselling (at home and online)
Breastfeeding counselling
Performing a Postpartum/Bone Closing Ritual
Monitoring gestational losses

And also:
Rebozo massage
Ayurvedic Abhyanga relaxation massage
Body awareness work

I offer an introductory meeting to discuss the type of accompaniment and whether it suits both parties, so that we fulfil the necessary conditions of trust, security and harmony.

I am a doula trained by GAMA - Grupo de Apoio à Maternidade Ativa - in Brazil, and a postnatal doula by Materlua, an association I belong to in Portugal. I attended the courses "The Nature of Life: Traditional Techniques in Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum" and "Challenging Births" given by Naoli Vinaver - traditional midwife and CPM. In 2023 I attended the "Scientific Evidence" course with Tatianne Frank. 

Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish


In general, I would like all women to be accompanied by a doula for their birth, which includes a constant presence from the beginning of pregnancy to the delicate postpartum phase and the first months of motherhood. In particular, Gabriela accompanied us in two different cities: Lisbon for the preparation and Povoa de Varzim for the birth and postpartum.
Gabriela is an experienced doula and above all an observant, discreet and sensitive woman. She gave me both physical and psychological support, which helped me to have an active and confident attitude during labor. The birth would have been completely different for me and my partner without her, she was the one who accompanied me to the hospital after the water broke and she was the one who ensured my well-being during the hours of labor; she was the one who suggested breaks for my partner and she was the one who supported me in the right way during the most difficult moments of labor. After three days of recovering in hospital, Gabriela finally took the three of us home.
And during the first few days I felt free to call her and ask for her presence, to have help with breastfeeding and to have support for myself: a hot soup, an oil massage....
Our last meeting was at our home in Lisbon, three months after giving birth. Gabriela suggested that we do a ritual to close the postpartum phase, "The closing of the bones". It's a very special and symbolic moment of returning to life and to the body of a woman. Through this ritual, in which the mother receives a massage, takes a bath in aromatic herbs, wraps herself in blankets and applies a cloth to close her bones, the new mother becomes aware of the completion of a moment of opening her body to give birth. It really was an intimate and important symbolic moment.


I had the pleasure of receiving the postpartum ritual with Gabriela's accompaniment three months after giving birth. It was a very emotional and unbalanced period for me and so the ritual helped me to focus for a moment on myself and to recognize and nurture my needs for support and support.
Through the warmth and companionship of the women, I relived the birth of my daughter and indeed of my older son, and I was able to let go of old traumas and caress my inner child...
I felt much stronger, less sensitive and more complete after the ritual, which has been a charge of positive energy for me. I recommend it!


Having Gabriela by our side during Gabriel's birth was essential and helped us a lot. Because of her sensitivity and wisdom, we were able to rest more assured that everything would go well. Having a home birth is a very powerful thing these days, as we are used to believing that babies are born in hospital. Today I am thankful that Gabriel was born at home surrounded by wise people. I recommend Gabriela's doula to everyone, as she is undoubtedly a great asset to the birth process.


Eight years after a traumatic childbirth, in collaboration with my friend and doula Gabriela, I decided to hold a postpartum ceremony at her suggestion. Giving myself over to this open space of care, listening and so much affection allowed me to pour a balm over painful and difficult memories and to release pent-up energy. It was also very important to have the attentive and caring presence of a friend, through singing, tea, incense and so much affection. I am infinitely grateful to Gabriela for all her trust, respect, patience and dedicated accompaniment.
I feel this is a very healing and celebratory ritual of the woman's body being reborn in motherhood. In the family, in the tribe, in the community, among women. Gratitude.


Each baby is a message of hope, a spark of light that emerges to illuminate the future. The responsibility of welcoming them is enormous. It's up to each of us to ensure that they grow up in a circle of love, giving and empathy so that they don't forget what they knew at birth: we are one. Choosing to walk alongside parents on this journey of preparing to welcome a baby deserves our deep gratitude; it should even receive the blessings of society as a whole.
This is what a doula does, I now understand. She walks alongside the parents on this invisible road towards childbirth, supporting them in the construction of this immaterial place that will welcome a new being, this new spark of light. Above all, you have shown us the sacredness of this journey and the moment when the whole path is celebrated: childbirth. You revealed what we already felt, but didn't know: childbirth is Creation happening in its purest, most luminous state. Your presence in childbirth was light, it was fresh water, it was purity. Your hands on my body were breath, your voice was an anchor. Your subtle and discreet, yet strong presence in the afterbirth was very important for the integration of this new state, this new woman and family.
Above all, I'm grateful that you always acted as you had to; that you let your intuition guide you, allowing what was best for everyone to happen. You are forever in our hearts and prayers and our son will know that you are part of his story. Many thanks from us to you, Gabriela. Thank you, Gabriela.
